1.088 Million Miles?! What?! HOW? – FAQs

I’ve gotten quite a few questions about my recent points haul post so thought it would be helpful for some to see my answers. Here’s the first part to the most frequent FAQs! Recap/refresher: in four and and half months, I earned just under 1.1 million points (and miles!)

8 Tips to Hack Your Way to Travel More and Better

Travel hacking: are you new to this idea or perhaps only have dipped your toes a bit into what is affectionately known as the game? Travel hacking can be thought of as maximizing how you travel – and can be as simple or complex as you want it to be. Here are some important ways…

Credit: Basics, Cards, Myths

I recently posted on a travel group asking for recommendations on how everyone was keeping track of miles/points/credit cards (IYKYK right? haha – I do plan on sharing what I came up with in a later post since it’s still evolving atm). It’s pretty interesting to see how travel hacking has gotten so mainstream over…

Life, Love, Travel & When Cake Turns Into Paris

My buddy reaches out to see if I would be able to do his girlfriend’s birthday cake and we start chatting about the trip he has planned for her. He confesses that he wishes that he could take her to her dream location since it’s her 30th birthday and I ask him where? His response:…