Life, Love, Travel and the Pursuit of Celebrating Canada’s Birthday 

Did you know that 2017 will mark the big 1-5-0 for Canada?   And in true Canadian fashion,  “Canada’s gift to you, the 2017 Discovery Pass will provide free admission for the entire year to Parks Canada places from coast-to-coast to coast!”
Yes so click here for your Free 2017 Parks Canada Discovery Pass!  This is a pretty popular deal so you may get an internal server error message but this is legitimate.  Just practice patience and start planning at least one or two of your trips for 2017.  And you’re welcome and yes I want to come along! 

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  1. WOW!! You just made my week. Kinda embarrassing that I didn’t know this was Canada’s 150th birthday year, but given that I only live 2 hours from the border and it’s pretty much the easiest beautiful place to visit on the PLANET…I’m stoked! Just ordered my pass. Thanks for the tip! And Happy New Year.

    1. Yay ~ I’m so happy that you benefited from this! And I can’t wait to get up and see Banff and Jasper myself! I have lots of friends up there so that’s why I was aware of this so I’m happy to share my knowledge! Happy New Year to you as well. May it be full of lots of travel and cheer!

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