Life, Love, Travel & My Wish(es) For You (2020 version)

I have been so lucky in my life, really so often I think probably luckier than I have any right to be.  This was the case when I first wrote this years ago and remains true today.  So again this holiday season, it seems right that what I want is actually for you: 

My wish(es) for you are:

*Of course I want you to travel. To see the world and discover that it’s not so scary as some make it out to be. To see that there’s so much out there to be amazed by including people, cultures, nature, places ~ it really is such a beautiful world. (Well when it’s safe to do so) 

*I want you to be able to let go of the fear, the anger, the pain, the frustration, the doubts that are eating you up. To learn to forgive and to forget because life is so, so short and really is it worth dying on that hill to prove you’re right ~ to find out that you’re alone in the end?

*I want you to be happy ~ as in unbridled joy/Christmas morning happy.  For you to be able to see the world with childlike wonder and to be able to let go with childlike release when experiencing bliss. To be able to find what sparks joy for you and be unabashed with that happiness. 

*I want you to find peace ~ to come to terms with the fact that we’re all imperfect beings just trying to do our best and it’s really an amazing thing to just be alive.  To be able to give others the benefit of the doubt and to give them some grace because we’ve all been there when we needed just that. And to do the same for yourselves as we are often our own worst critic. 

*I want you to be a source and to surround yourself with positivity and light and love.  

*I want you to be able to repeat all those mantras that you have been putting off ~ to find the courage so that you really mean the words when you say them to yourself.

*I want you to believe in the possibility of the incredible and to experience it.

*I want you to find love ~ the truest, deepest, most meaningful kind: self love and self acceptance.

*I want you to be able to be your true and authentic self ~ the person that you hide from the world because you are afraid that you will not be accepted. For you to be able to express your identity in a safe place because the world needs you for the uniqueness you bring. For you to love whomever you do without fear or retribution because #loveislove. 

*I want you to know that your life matters ~ that Black Lives Matter ~ that Trans Lives Matter. That the systemic racism, sexism and all of the other isms cannot be dismantled if we do not begin by admitting to their existence. Then are brave and strong in doing the hard work of changing our own behaviors and disassembling systems.  Equal rights doesn’t mean taking away rights from one person to give to another  ~ it simply means that everyone is granted/has access to their human rights. This is not a zero sum game or like pieces of a cake ~ there’s plenty to go around ~ I want to live in a world where we have the courage to make this a reality. 

*But mainly I just want you to believe that you are enough. That you are not defined by your looks (because those aren’t the best part of you), by your past (because who you were does not mean that is who you are now or who you have to be in the future), by your mistakes (you can only learn from them now so it’s time to stop replaying them on loop), by any of those narratives you have been allowing to keep you down, by whatever is holding you back or weighing you down.

I see you and know that you are enough and you are valued. I know this year has been crazy and traumatic for so many of us and remember that you are not alone. That it’s okay not to be okay. Remember that  I’m here for you. 

I wanted to let you all know that you are amazing and gorgeous souls.  I’ve learned that the universe is amazing in putting the right people in your life at the right time and there have been so many people who have supported me in so many ways when I really needed it so here’s my attempt to pay it forward

~ With much love and light always  ❤️ Rosemary

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